Audible Books – – Best of the Web

by Keith Klein // January 26 // 0 Comments

Audible Books – – Best of the Web

I’ve recommended Audible Books forever.  I’ve been saying this for years: is one of the best sites on the web.  That was true even when the site was much slower and clunkier than other great e-commerce sites.

With Audible’s acquisition by Amazon, has only gotten better.  I used to have to do a dual search on Audible and on because the reviews on Amazon were far greater, in quantity and quality.  Now Audible Books lists both sets of reviews right at!
>>Try Audible and Get Two Free Audiobooks   <<<

What am I getting?

  • Includes two free audiobooks with your free trial.
  • Choose from 180,000+ best sellers, new releases sci-fi, romances, mysteries, classics, and more.
  • After 30 days, get 1 book each month, $14.95/month
  • Cancel easily anytime. Your books are yours to keep, even if you cancel.

The great thing about Audible is that you can:
Stream the book and listen from your computer
and / or you can download and listen from your MP3 Player, iPod, smartphone, tablet, or computer
and / or you can burn to a disc and listen on your home or car stereo
and – when you’re all done, your audible book is still in your library awaiting your next listen, in any format(s) you choose!

My reading goal for many years was 25 books per year.  When I discovered Audible Books at least twelve or  fifteen years ago, I was able to increase my annual reading goal to 50 books!  I’m able to “read” many more books by listening (while driving, showering, working, etc.) than ever before.   Moreover, I find myself listening actively two, three or more times to particularly interesting and salient information, often taking notes as I do so.  Great for business reading!

By the way, Audible Books are a great value!  I average about $10 per book by buying in bulk and by taking advantage of 3 books for 2 credits type deals.

Keith Klein hosting Wisconsin Business Owners Lunch & Learn
Keith Klein hosting Wisconsin Business Owners Lunch & Learn

Keith Klein
Owner, OnYourMark, LLC
Author, WebForging, A Practical Guide to the Art of Forging Your Web Presence

Note: the link gives me a nominal affiliate credit for your free try and/or purchase of Audible Books.  I would recommend them (I have recommended them for years) even without the free Audio Books link.

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