Best Media –

I’m working on Labor Day weekend. Enjoying it or I wouldn’t be working all three days of the long weekend. Nevertheless, to break it up I decided to treat myself to some TED Talks while I work.
I learned about TED at least five or six years ago. Maybe more. The night I discovered TED, I was so consumed by the ideas and the speakers that I watched it all night long. I had calls with prospects and clients scheduled the whole next day. I thought about getting sleep. The energy produced adrenalin that took me through the night. That TED experience translated into four wonderful conversations with four great clients about four different topics experienced on TED the night before. One of those was a prospect when we met that day. They’ve been a client ever since. I’ve been a TED evangelist ever since.
I logged onto TED this morning and found The most popular talks of all time.
I’m watching more than I bargained for!
I’m a fan of several of the top 20 already. One of them is my all-time favorite. I shared it with more people than any other. That is Jill BolteTaylor’s, My Stroke of Insight. Please give that one a listen (below). Combine that with Why we do what we do from Tony Robbins, and one or two of your choice from the top 20, and you may find yourself as big a TED junkie as me.
Why TED is the Best Media
Ideas worth spreading. That’s the slogan. More than a slogan, it is what they present!
Powerful presenters. The top minds and talents in their fields, with practiced energy.
Focused Presentations. 90% or more of TED presentations are 18 minutes or less. This is the reason we keep presentations at Wisconsin Business Owners to thirty minutes, including a dozen minutes of Q & A. If you can’t get your point across in eighteen minutes, you’re not practiced enough.
Production Values. Staging, lighting, camera work and sound are produced beautifully.
User Interface. I like the search function, the groupings and the ease of sharing.
Emotion & Spirituality. As Jill Bolte Taylor’s My Stroke of Insight illustrates most profoundly, and Tony Robbins’ Why we do what we do actually examines, the emotion and spirituality we bring to the table is what makes the difference in what we are, to ourselves, and to one-another.
Best Media
In conclusion, the best minds give focused presentations on “ideas worth spreading” with great production values and awesome emotion and spirituality. That’s why TED is the Best Media.
Music, in this Ode to the Brain Remix by Symphony of Science, shows why Jill Bolte Taylor’s TED Talk is a personal favorite.
About half or more of the speakers in the remix are remixed from their TED talk. Take advantage of the best media out there. It costs $6,000 to attend a TED conference. Yet the presentations are available to all of us here for free.