Downsized Workers Ministry, Crown of Compassion

Image of Crown Of Compassion Downsized Workers Ministry Tag Cloud
by Keith Klein // July 15 // 2 Comments

Downsized Workers Ministry

David Henning was a Lutheran elementary school teacher.  He got downsized.  Not nicely.  True to his faith, he coped in good measure by reaching out to help other downsized workers through a largely online Ministry – Crown of Compassion – at http://www.CrownOfCompassion.ORG

David & Vicki Henning
David & Vicki Henning, Champions of Crown of Compassion Ministries – a Downsized Workers Ministry

I’m impressed.  Today’s post, along with a little ‘nudge’ at Facebook, prompted me to write this.  Today’s post:

Downsized Workers Ministry

Though working a full-time gig to pay the bills, David established Crown of Compassion Ministries to “provide daily emotional and spiritual support to disenfranchised church workers by enabling them to connect to each other socially and prayerfully as well as providing resources to help them on their walk in this transitional period as they position themselves to revitalize and revision their ministry.”  

With his partner in life, Vicki Henning, David got 501(c)3 status for Crown of Compassion Ministries.  Still working full-time, he shows Compassion nearly full-time in his downsized workers Ministry.  He’s good at it too.  He reaches out, reads and writes on the topic constantly.  Virtually every day.  Perhaps every day.  If I was on as much of a mission at any site of my own, I’d probably generate more work than I know what to do with.  Yet David does this not to help himself, but to help others.

I’m often wary of folks who wear their religion on their sleeve.  I admire people who live their religion, in the best possible sense.

David and Vicki are just such people.

Take a look at this Tag Cloud in the featured image for this post, and you’ll get a great idea of what Dave and Crown of Compassion Ministries are all about.

The greatest of these words is Love.

Visit them.

Pay it forward.



Tags: Love, Service

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