Winning the lottery. Happy Mother’s Day, Cindy

Happy Mother's Day - Fav Flower Madeira | by Art4TheGlryOfGod by Sharon for Happy Mother's Day Cindy post
by Keith Klein // May 12 // 0 Comments

Happy Mother’s Day, Cindy.  Thank you for raising a fine family.

Right from the start, you did things right.  Though you seldom drank alcohol and when you did drink it wasn’t much, you quit entirely the moment you knew our first was on the way.  You quit smoking at the same time and, kudos to you, you’ve remained a non-smoker.  Beyond those fundamentals, you did so much more.  Thank you.

One of the things I love most among the many qualities of how our kids were raised is reading.  I’ve often remarked to anyone who’d listen that our kids were read to for an hour-plus a day for most of the days of the year, every year, from the time they were born through early grade school years.  You did that.  Thank you.

Our kids love good food.  Not just food that tastes good.  Healthful good food.  They appreciate great tomatoes and peppers and herbs and more right from the garden.  How many kids love their vegetables?  Now, as adults, they eat balanced diets of quality foods.  Thank you.

I looked to one of my favorite sites this morning for inspiration for a Mother’s Day message to you today, Cindy.  I found it straight away.  Turns out, Cindy, there’s a reason our daughters sound just like you.  There’s a reason all of our kids are gifted.  They started learning in the womb.  Thank you.

There’s a great playlist of Mother’s Day-related talks at:

Talks by fierce moms

Mothers have so many roles: nurturer, provider, disciplinarian, confidant, mentor, friend, protector. These incredible talks demonstrate all of the above.

Happy Mother’s Day, Cindy

Happy Mother’s Day, Cindy

Thank you for helping our kids and I win the lottery of life, Cindy.  You are a great Mom.

Happy Mother’s Day, Cindy.



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