Happy New Year 2021! Great to put 2020 in hindsight!

2021 picture with happy new year caption for happy new year 2021 blog post
by Keith Klein // December 31 // 0 Comments

Happy New Year 2021, everyone!

The expression “we all have 2020 hindsight” is a favorite since childhood.  Now it’s great to say “we all have 2020 in hindsight.”

To paraphrase our friend Paul Haut, at W. Haut Specialty Co., between the virus pandemic, the election, the fires out west, the droughts and flooding elsewhere, the racial turmoil and civil unrest, the economy…  It is, indeed, good to have 2020 in hindsight.

2021 with computer progress bar and caption, "loading" for happy new year 2021 blog postThis is a time for reflections on the year passing, and good wishes and goal-setting for the New Year approaching.

Thankfully, technology kept many of us in contact even when human contact wasn’t possible.  Many businesses pivoted, in some cases leaping forward a decade or two in a single year. Looking further for silver linings, we got to hear and see a bit of life without so much traffic and general busyness.

Personally, I was gratified by the conduct of my family during times of crisis and strain.  Professionally, it was gratifying to be able to help so many via internet technology that helps us maintain contact when human contact was constrained.

Now’s a great time to reassess what is important to us.  We tend to take things for granted when we’re all healthy in the status quo.  When the norms shift seismically, as they did in 2020, it’s  a good time to take stock and to plan the lives we want.

Reading has always been one of my mainstays, personally and professionally.  My personal annual goal of reading/listening to 50 books a year was easily attained in 2020.  I read for knowledge and understanding.  I believe we could all use more knowledge, and more understanding.  I’ve found myself stocking up on books to last a lifetime in the last couple of months – thousands of them.   Now I hope to write more of what I learn to share knowledge and understanding I’ve gained with others.

Goals are great when they’re common goals.  I will do my best to establish goals with the people I work with and the people we serve, as well as with friends and family – all of whom we hope to see much more often, in person and virtually, in 2021.

We thank everyone who made 2020 bearable, even enjoyable.  We extend our best wishes for a Happy New Year, too.

Tomorrow is the first page of a blank 365-page book. Write a good one!  Happy New Year 2021!


Keith Klein
OnYourMark, LLC

This post first appeared at https://www.onyourmark.com/happy-new-year-2021/

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