Matt Brown for Wisconsin! Reasonable vs. Radical

matt brown for Wisconsin Assembly placard
by Keith Klein // June 25 // 0 Comments

I’m very excited to share that my friend and neighbor, Matt Brown, is running for the Wisconsin Assembly seat in Wisconsin Assembly District 22!

We’ve been neighbors for 35 years.  Friends for 34 years this week.  Let me tell you how Matt and I met; that will tell you a lot about him.

After being neighbors for the better part of a year, my wife and I had our oldest son, Ryan, who was born on Fathers Day and Juneteenth Day, 1988. Soon after Ryan was born, we had some big storms blow through that took out the power in our Menomonee Falls subdivision.  Tough time to be without power with a new little one at home.  We got a knock at our front door soon after the power went out.  It was Matt Brown.  Matt said something like, “I know you have a new little one at home – congratulations!  I’m concerned that you don’t have electricity.  Mine is out too.  If it’s okay with you, I thought I’d share my generator with you.  I set it up between our houses.  I have an extension cord if you need one.”

That’s the kind of friend and neighbor I want to represent us in the Wisconsin Assembly.  Matt will make a great State Representative. I truly believe he’ll be the kind of representative, friend and neighbor we’d all want!

Matt is a very reasonable fellow.  His opponent, on the other hand, is a real radical.

Matt submitted his nomination papers on the deadline day for submissions because his opponent would otherwise be running unopposed.  Matt’s a recently retired union worker who provided decades of service to residents of Waukesha, working on the municipal water supply system.  When Matt told me he was a candidate, he said people in our District deserve a choice.  I know Matt is someone who will listen to people and work hard for the community. We deserve that kind of State Rep – not someone who promotes radical plans for radical politicians.

I’m told he’ll have business cards, flyers and a website soon.  In the meantime, if you’re looking for a reasonable and responsible representative in Wisconsin Assembly District 22, please join me in supporting Matt Brown.

Campaign contributions are appreciated!  Send checks, payable to “Friends of Matt Brown” to:
Friends of Matt Brown
c/o Matt Brown
N54W21609 Logan Drive
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051-6246

If you’d like to volunteer to staff Matt Brown, do in-person or phone canvassing, or provide other services, please contact me.  I’ll pass along your request to Matt.  And I’ll post again when Matt’s website and email are up.

I’m so proud to be a friend and neighbor of Matt Brown.  I hope you will be too!

Keith Klein

Please feel free to contact me using the contact info in the footer (bottom) of all pages of KeithKlein.ME with suggestions, questions and comments!


Phone/Text: 262-853-7900

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